Sunday, August 2, 2015

Basic Apartment on Avakin Life - Bayview Studio

Snapshots on the above is the basic apartment in Avakin Life, this apartment you can get for free when you are registered user in Avakin. Nice isn't? hehe better than you don't have. Ok now I explain why the apartment snapshots above looks like that. From the first snapshot, fourth and fifth, certainly you already know what's theme is in the apartment that I have. Yes, that apartment was JKT48 Theater theme. If you want to enjoy in apartment feeling like in JKT48 Theater theme, just come and stay in the apartment, relaxing for a moment and take a sit waiting for JKT48 personnel come, if they are there hahaha. But don't try go to the stage, because the stage only for JKT48 members :p hihi just kidding, you may go to the stage if you can do it, because there's no way except one way to the stage like i show it in the snapshots. Already know huh? The conclusion if you want to go on stage, you have to try and be patient to become a DJ and take a sit on back of DJ desk, because it's like challange if you not get on the stage. Huhu.. ok we are till at the end of post about this apartment. Next time I will post another apartment that may unique and interesting. Cya..

How to search an ID and apartment in Avakin Life

This video will explain how to search an ID in Avakin Life and looking for apartments that's owned by an ID in Avakin Life with quick way.

Apartment with campus theme

Ok, now we learning go to college hehehe... it's campus time. Yep snapshots on the above was Dream Island apartment that I have and I set it as campus building. At the front room it's for guest, mid room as a faculty office, and the back room it's for canteen space. So, where the classroom? please calm, there's classroom for it althought only one room, but yeaa it's enough for learning place with a beautiful view. How do you think about it? beautiful isn't. Please who want to learn with a quiet and beautiful place, it's advisable to visit this apartment because it's good for teach and learn.

Friday, July 31, 2015

My 921 Acacia Drive Apartment

Now take a look see the apartment. Snapshot on above is 921 Acacia Drive apartment that I have. You can get these apartments by buying it at the Avakin Life store for 2499 coins, quite expensive but worth with the price of this apartment, this apartment have a wide area and a lot of apartment space that looking nice (of course coupled with assortment of furniture), especially in front of the apartment there is a pool that you can use like swim and jump to pool, so you will not be disappointed with buy it. How do you think with the snapshots above? good or bad please write it on comment...

Thursday, July 30, 2015

My first avakin video gameplay

This is the first my video footage of avakin life gameplay, just to fill this blog. This video is longtime ago and it's using old avakin life version and was different from current version. Later i will make other video that may interesting. Please see the video if you want..

JKT48 Style

Above is the result of my snapshot in avakin, i acting as member JKT48. Haha, whether me like they? because of that i like JKT48 members and their songs. The location is in my apartment, located in Bayview Studio and it's named JKT48 Theater. You may come to my apartment because sometime i be there act as JKT48 member lol.. :p

How it, nice or not? please comment below :)

Introduction is a simple blog site that contains information all about the mobile applications of avakin that created by Lockwood Publishing Ltd developer which is composed of several applications namely Avakin Life, Avakin Startstyle, Avakin Poker and Avakin Avatar Editor. Here I as a user Avakin applications will share a variety of collection of all information relating to Avakin (especially Avakin Life) and other information that hopefully benefit for all Avakin users. will strive to be one place to share, updated media information for the reader. Always get spirit to discuss about avakin world.

Writer / Admin: Cwxrssr