Sunday, August 2, 2015

Basic Apartment on Avakin Life - Bayview Studio

Snapshots on the above is the basic apartment in Avakin Life, this apartment you can get for free when you are registered user in Avakin. Nice isn't? hehe better than you don't have. Ok now I explain why the apartment snapshots above looks like that. From the first snapshot, fourth and fifth, certainly you already know what's theme is in the apartment that I have. Yes, that apartment was JKT48 Theater theme. If you want to enjoy in apartment feeling like in JKT48 Theater theme, just come and stay in the apartment, relaxing for a moment and take a sit waiting for JKT48 personnel come, if they are there hahaha. But don't try go to the stage, because the stage only for JKT48 members :p hihi just kidding, you may go to the stage if you can do it, because there's no way except one way to the stage like i show it in the snapshots. Already know huh? The conclusion if you want to go on stage, you have to try and be patient to become a DJ and take a sit on back of DJ desk, because it's like challange if you not get on the stage. Huhu.. ok we are till at the end of post about this apartment. Next time I will post another apartment that may unique and interesting. Cya..


  1. Just a question, how do you actually buy the bay view studio?

    1. it's one of old free apartment from avakin, now it's not available again and it's replaced with new upgraded bay view studio apartment

  2. How do you buy an Upgraded Bayview Studio?

    1. it's one of old free apartment from avakin, just check at apartment store in avakin life, if it's available you can buy it

    2. Wie kann man dieses Apartment erhalten?

  3. How do you buy an Upgraded Bayview Studio?

    1. When it's new release, i get it free from avakin as gift. But now, you can check and buy that apartment in apartment store

  4. I just played avakin and got the basic studio apartment. how do you get the bayview studio?

    1. it's one of old free apartment from avakin when i start playing since 1 year ago i got it, just check at apartment store in avakin life, if it's available, you can buy it...

  5. Why didn't I get the Bayview Studio as an option to buy or even receive when I started

    1. avakin team make changes of the rules for that apartment

  6. In the store it shows the bayview studio but not the upgraded bayview studio yet some people have it. Do you have to be on a higher level or something?

    1. it's one of old free apartment from avakin when i start playing since 1 year ago i got it. i have another id own that apartment, if you want it you can pm me

  7. Why i cant load my new apartment
    I have 6 apartment but cant load my new apartment its stop loading at 10%

  8. Is there a way to get a Furnished apartment? And if so how?

    1. there's a little furnished apartment on studio soft loft starter apartment but you need more furnish and decorate the apartment for more looks good
